Continued from Chicago Day 3 Part 2.
That was a fast 3 nights in Chicago, it’s time to head back home and see the kids. I am a little hungover this morning, a little slow moving. But, packing up our stuff was a breeze. Without all the stuff for the kids, it took no time to pack up our bags.
On our way out of the hotel, ran into LL and AB on their way back from breakfast. RL and I are taking an earlier flight back home so we can hang out with our kiddos this afternoon. These two lucky kidless people will stay here until they fly back later tonight.
I’ve always wondered what it looks like behind these garage doors in a dense city. Looks just like a typical parking garage.
When you find a good place that’s close by, you stick with it.
Ugh, definitely hungover…must eat something before I feel worse than I do already.
A very short walk to the station for a train that takes us straight back to Midway.
No elevator, but that’s perfectly fine since we are traveling super light.
I wonder if Harlem is ghetto in Chicago too?
These structures have been here a long long time.
Nice empty train. Again, no dangerous characters on board, even as we head towards Chicago’s South Side.
Though, we did spot this crazy man(holding green bag) cussing up a storm at one of the stations along the way.
Apparently there’s a large Chinese community just South of downtown. Saw lots of businesses with Chinese characters in this area.
I tried my best to get a photo to convey the scenery, but couldn’t quite get the photo that I wanted. Basically, this whole area looks a little bleak to me. It’s probably down right depressing during the winter with snow.
Fake LV purse. How do I know that? Something about the lady holding it just told me it wasn’t real. Could be wrong, but I doubt it.
Going through TSA Pre line. Nice and easy, and no formula or water bottles for our kids to set off an extended security check.
Interesting that there are holes under the wings.
RL is in go go go mode, she keeps walking ahead and leaving me behind.
See what I’m talking about? She’s way ahead of me…
The hat actually says, IMMIGRANTS MAKE AMERICA GREAT. Yeah, kinda true since we are all immigrants at some point.
Our expensive, and predictably mediocre lunch.
Time to head home and see our girls. It’s been a much needed time away from them, but now we can’t wait to see them.
We didn’t get as good of a boarding position this time, but we chose our seats more carefully. They actually recline this time around.
Goodbye Chicago, it’s been a refreshing break from our daily grind as parents of two very young girls.
Time to sort through some photos for the blog while I am stuck here in the plane.
Not to be an elitist or anything, but I was reading the Economist while the lady sitting next to me was watching TMZ on Fox…ok, I am an elitist…
Austin! I can see my old condo in downtown from the plane.
It’s just 2pm, still plenty of time to hang out with our girls today.
I believe that’s an art installation…
Let’s hope the car keys are still where I had kept them, yup. Also, $92 dollars for 4 days of parking in the garage. Ouch, but the short convenient walk was nice.
Can’t be Austin unless there’s traffic at 2:30 in the afternoon. Sigh. Heading over to my parents’ house to pick up the kids. PL had stayed with her white grandparents while we were gone, and my parents took care of CL. Divide and conquer!