Continued from San Antonio Day 2 Part 1.
Up from nap(for CL), time to get out of the hotel again. Must dig deep for energy to keep going.
I am looking on my phone for one of those boats that take us around the River Walk….you know, since our boat trip yesterday worked out so well…
I guess I kind of know where to find one. They leave pretty often, so we’ll just get in line.
Found the tour boats and got tickets. Now we wait in line.
Grandparents thought that it would be fun to buy them these loud shakers…it’s so loud.
PL is oddly quiet on this boat ride…
Asleep…she fought her nap earlier so now decided to fall asleep on a really hot boat ride…
Well, at least she’s easy to manage like this.
After about 40 min, we got done with our boat tour. That wasn’t so bad of a way to kill 40min with two kids. It’s a little bit past 5, time to eat. Lucky for us, there’s a well rated restaurant right above those stairs, just next to where we got dropped off from the boat.
Still asleep, but starting to wake up.
Got a nap, so she’s super hyper and super loud.
Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to bring the kids here. It’s well rated, but it’s more like a pub than a kid friendly restaurant. CL also got so fussy sitting in her high chair that I had to take her outside and walk around with her right after wolfing down my meal. Then we all took turns taking the kids out so everyone in our group could eat something.
Not a great dining experience. Both of the kids are fussy. Time to beat a quick retreat.
While everyone else ate and I was walking around CL, I did some recon work and found an ice cream shop.
Ooooo, Ahhhh. She wanted “pink” flavor.
PL really enjoyed stepping on the steps inside the ice cream shop.
It’s time to head back to our hotel now. It’s so hot out here.
PL was impressed by the glass elevators.
Only way we can make them sit still while we prepare everything for bedtime.
Like yesterday, grandma is in our room watching the kids while they sleep. We were way too tired to go anywhere else, so hotel bar it is.
So tired…didn’t even feel like drinking…
We were so tired, I think we were out less than an hour before calling it quits. When we came back to the room, the first thing I had noticed was the smell of poop! Also, both of the girls were still awake and crying…oh shit. Apparently while we were downstairs, the kids decided to poop one after another. Then after they pooped they decided they didn’t want to sleep. Poor grandma had to take care of all that by herself…
Couldn’t leave stinking poop in the room, so I had to take it down to the hotel lobby to see if I can ask someone where I can find a dumpster. There were a lot of newly arrived guests and I kept on waiting for an employee to free up….finally I just said screw it and dropped off this bag of shit in the trashcan in front of the hotel. Good enough.
Of course, now that the girls are still awake, we had to do bedtime routine all over again and listen to them cry about not wanting to sleep. Ahhh, parent life…We ended up having to take CL to my parent’s room because the girls kept feeding off each others awakeness. PL finally went to sleep about 40 min after the “separation”. Thank goodness we had a room(and grandparents) to separate them into.
But there’s more. It’s Saturday night and it’s a busy night at a hotel. We got a new neighbor in the next room and they’ve got the TV on so loud it’s keeping us from sleeping. Finally it was decided that RL will go next door to complain since it’s hard to say no to a pregnant lady with two young kids. They kind of turned the sound down a little…maybe.
Next morning, gotta get a group photo by the Alamo.
Back to Starbucks for breakfast.
As we were leaving in our car, RL pointed out the guy standing there on the bridge. That was the asshole guy who had his TV on way too loud in the next room at midnight. Asshole!
When we had picked up the kids early from school on Friday, we were presented with a dilemma. They don’t usually have accidents at school, but for some reason, both of them combined had 5 accidents in one day…WTF. We decided to leave the soiled clothing at school and just pick it up on Monday. So here we go, cleaning shit soiled pants that’s been marinating in a bag for 5 days…welcome home us!