Continued From Santa Fe Day 2.
Selfie of the kids.
Let’s try again, selfie of the kids.
Starbucks with only drive thru and walk up counter. Little KL is already going crazy.
Aren’t they so cute with their Meow Wolf hats?
So cute!
Little KL is already antsy today.
Heading a little bit onto the higher hill side of Santa Fe.
Lots of gated nice homes up here. The weather is pretty awesome today, especially compared to Austin.
Quick short drive, and we are here.
RL loves plants.
Not much cover, so thankful for the partial overcast.
The ticket booth gave us a kids scavenger hunt for the visit. Pretty good way to keep the kids engaged and occupied. It’s been surprisingly difficult to find a bird in a tree around here though.
PL says, “Does this count as a bird in a tree?”. Nice try, I’ll take a picture and put it on the blog, but no.
We did spot this bunny, a cottontail?
Rain in the distance. Wonder if we’ll end up using our raincoats later today?
Right after the botanical gardens, we drove directly across the street to the Museum of International Folk Art.
Upon entering, we were again handed scavenger hunt papers. But wait, they’ve got choices, so instead of all 3 kids doing the same hunt, each kid has picked their own genre of scavenger hunt. One dealing with music, one hearts, and the other transportation.
In the giant room ahead is where the scavenger hunt happens.
It’s complete art overload, these 3 scavenger hunts will take a while.
To be continued at Santa Fe Day 3 Part 2.