Asheville Part 2

Continued from Asheville Part 1.

CL points.

This is what she was pointing at, haha. By the way, we didn’t write it.

More tunnels.

This was quite the large sized overlook.

Nice, this section has much fewer cars on the road.

Are those wild turkeys?

Some sort of deer, elk? Something. They had park rangers all over here directing traffic so cars don’t run into them.

Beautiful environment outside, but not so beautiful environment inside the car. RL had to take the dolls away from the kids because they were fighting and playing too rough with them. Yeah, you read that right. The kids are hitting each other and fighting with their Taylor Swift dolls to the point where everyone got in trouble. Too many hours in the car leads to grumpy kids, grumpy parents, and violent Taylor Swift dolls.

Alright, it’s almost 5pm, time for dinner before we go do some driving on Blue Ridge Parkway.

It’s hot out here, but the kids are wild so we are sitting outside so they can at least run around and stretch their legs.

The kids stacking the giant checkers into a single tall stack.

Eventually, the tower got so high, RL had to become a stepping stool for the kids to finish the tower. I did not get photos of that because I was talking to the waitress and also on my phone.

Let’s do the tower again, this time I’m full in on documenting the building process.

The RL stepping stool.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Nothing fancy, but this will do.

Alright, back in the car. We’ve still got many hours of driving left.

Back in the National Park and onto Blue Ridge Parkway

Sigh. The dolls were given back to the kids, and the dolls were taken away again due to violent behavior with them.

Please let us pass slow RV.

Please let us pass.

Finally passed the RV when they pulled over at an overlook.

More tunnels. Need a sports car with a nice exhaust here.

I got a Jabba the Hut oreo.

Stormtrooper for little KL.

It is very beautiful out here.

And this is when we decided to cut short our drive on Blue Ridge Parkway. We are already running late for the day and if we had gone through more of our planned route, it would have taken another hour longer and put us to getting our hotel super late. Plus…the Blue Ridge Parkway was more of the same after a while.

It’s like the storm cloud surrounding Laputa (Castle in the Sky)!

Arrive in Asheville for the night at around 7pm. It’s been a long day, glad we cut short our drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway and took the faster route here instead.

Our rented residence for the night.

Hard to tell from the photo, but that stop sign was about the size of my open hand.

This is what $175 a night gets you in Asheville. What a great value.

RL made them a bubble bath using bodywash. The kids were absolutely thrilled.

The kids are finally in bed. I’m gonna take a short walk to the gas station and stock up.

I may have miscalculated. It’s now feeling like quite a long walk back up the hill holding these liquids.

To be continued at DC Day 1 Part 1.