Ingolstadt Day 2

Continued from Ingolstadt Day 1.

Needless to say, after 4 liters of beer yesterday, it was rough getting up this morning. But, it was quite the interesting night though. Our plans are pretty simple today, go visit the Audi museum and go buy some apparel for Oktoberfest.

This morning JB messaged us and told us that her phone has gone missing. She may have left it in the taxi last night. Doh.

Since our hotel is right next to the main train station, there’s a big bus stop directly in front of our hotel. And here comes our bus that will take us straight to the Audi museum. Love it when it’s easy like this.

Score another point for our hotel. They gave us free bus passes for the duration of our stay.

Audi Forum.

Who is the asshole employee who drives a BMW?

Audi Museum Mobile.

Nice, orange S3.

First thing is to eat some lunch in the Audi Cafe.

Pasta machine. Cool.

Simple, but very good. Now that we’ve got some food in us, time to see some cars.

I want this old school moped parked inside the museum shop. Love this blue.

2 Euro for the tickets to the museum and then take the elevator to 3rd floor. Start from the top and walk your way down, just like the Mercedes museum and the Porsche Museum.

Not only is part of the car painted in a flat texature but the doors are leather textured.

This elevator kept the cars slowly rotating throughout the three levels of the museum.

I guess this was one way to overcome the less pliable rubber of the past.

OK, this is more like it. Race cars.

Is that a poop hole? Just kiddin’ cars don’t poop.


If they wanted to have a glass porthole to the floor below, why bother putting safety grate under it? The whole point is to scare people, not make them feel safe.

That Michele Mouton, so hot!

IMSA 90!!!!

Intercooler on one side and radiator on the other side.

Love the old school cooling fan hub covers.

Walter Rohrl and Hans Stuck. Talk about a car being in capable hands.

Hahaha, the luxury boat Audi V8 DTM racer. How did this boat manage to beat all the competition? LOL!!

Still has wood panel in the dash!!!

That angle and the length of harness is no longer acceptable. At the very least cross over those harnesses!!

R8, ok it won a lot of races.

My favorite Audi of all time, Sport Quattro!! Love the short wheelbase and the upright windshield!

Back to the gift shop. Seriously, I think this is my favorite thing in the whole museum. I love how the engine area under the seat takes the same design language as the hoods of old Auto Union cars down to the shape of the vertical grill. Love it.

Saw this in the gift shop.

Haha, they also sold random old parts as souvenirs.

Done with the museum visit. As much as I love Audi, the museum is just ok. I would put Porsche, Mercedes, and BMW museum all above the Audi museum. Come on Audi, you can do better!!

I had to take a closer look at this S3. Very nice.

As I was leaving the museum, I saw this crazy car on the rotating display pop up. Surprised I missed it while inside the museum.

Oh, our bus is here. Hopefully we can catch it.

Made it with time to spare.

At the cafe yesterday for some wifi to coordinate how to meet up with JB.

JB said that she’s at a restaurant across from a giant church. Pretty sure this is the church.

Well, we found JB.

Now to the Dirndl store!

Lederhosen for the men.

I ended up getting a shirt and RL got herself a dirndl on the cheap. Sweet! The best part is that the store wasn’t crowded even though it’s during Oktoberfest.

Giant prawns.

Raw fish sandwich, anyone?

Hair of the dog.

Surprised that for their English menu they’ve got an American flag instead of the Union Jack like most other places.

Cool looking growler on the right.

I really just want to have a giant glass of water. But damn it, water is so expensive here.

RL supplements her small soup lunch with some hearty mid afternoon dining.

After one beer, it’s time to go. I am tired and got hours of blogging ahead of me.

Our bus arrives promptly.

When we arrive back at our hotel, we look outside our window and see hundreds of Audis all on rail cars awaiting shipment.

Time for dinner, something close by that’s quick and easy will do. We’ll take the 30 second walk to the train station and have a look inside.

Windows, eh.

Didn’t expect to see this in Germany.

This will do the job for tonight.

Tomorrow, we head into Munich where we’ll be meeting up with more friends, and the beer count will go up exponentially.

To be continued at Munich Day 1 Part 1.

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